SunCrest Fest is an annual fall celebration cohosted by the Cities of Crestwood and Sunset Hills, Missouri.

In 2018, Sunset Hills and Crestwood teamed up for the inaugural SunCrest Fest. The celebration day began with a 0.9-mile parade which started at 10:30 a.m. and traveled along Eddie & Park starting from Southview School and ending at Robyn Road in front of Truman Middle School. Officials from both cities, local organizations, Lindbergh Schools groups, and local businesses participated in the parade as well as classic car hobbyists who brought their antique and classic cars out for all to view.

The parade was followed by an afternoon of carnival rides, games, and live music at the festival fairgrounds located at Kitun Park in Sunset Hills, just west of Truman Middle School. The front parking lot at Truman hosted a Car Show for antique and Classic cars until 2:00 p.m.

Local businesses and community organizations also lined the south side of Eddie & Park with booths to engage with residents and festival-goers — a mini boulevard of Community spirit with some booths providing door prizes, selling yummy treats for charity, or setting up street boutiques with a wide range of interesting and hand-crafted items.

The festival ran from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and while the boulevard booths started shutting down as the sun set, the carnival lights lit up the evening. Live music from the event’s main stage filled the air all afternoon and through the end of the event.

2019 brought a repeat of the Fest, but there was no Festival in 2020 due to the pandemic. The festival returned in 2021, and has been growing in size and enthusiasm ever since.

2025 will mark the five consecutive years of the fun-filled, family-friendly, collaborative celebration between Sunset Hills and Crestwood. The SunCrest Fest Committee (comprised of employees and residents from both Cities) are planning some changes in format for the celebration to make the event more attractive and enjoyable for all ages.